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How to Prepare for Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

How to Prepare for Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

Miscarriage is a huge loss and not less than a nightmare for many; it is quite difficult to overcome the grief of it. Emotional pain is way greater than physical pain. Sometimes you may feel stuck that you cannot move ahead even if you want to. It is quite absolute to feel like that and getting question in mind like Can I conceive again?

However, it is more usual than you think, numerous women had early pregnancy loss and likely to conceive a healthy child even after. Take a step ahead and promote the odds of accomplishing healthy pregnancy! Learn here, how to choose the path to pregnancy after miscarriage?

When Can I conceive after miscarriage?

This would be surprising, but you can conceive immediately after miscarriage. Some specialists say that you should wait for 3 months or few weeks but in fact that utterly depends upon your health. Some overcome the physical pain in few weeks but stuck with grief. They need time to prepare themselves for the next pregnancy.

Know the chances of pregnancy:

Multiple women after miscarriage have fear of losing the next pregnancy but if you have miscarried once does not mean that you cannot get healthy pregnancy in future. Very few women get repeated miscarriage because of certain peculiarities.

Basically, the reason behind miscarriage is mostly chromosomal abnormalities that doesn’t necessarily hinged on a woman’s reproductive health. If you know the odds in a better way then it will reduce you stress and anxiety and get you positive attitude towards next pregnancy.

Ponder on your situation and take some time:

What you think and what you are going through in actuality matters the most that creates great impact on making decision for further step. Miscarriage is quite debilitating both mentally and physically. Pamper yourself enough to overcome this stressed situation.

Prepare yourself Physically:

There is no doubt in that you can conceive immediately after miscarriage but doctors recommend to try to conceive after at least 3 months. After miscarriage, your body get back to normal and you start ovulating in 2 weeks but to regular menses will take 2 or 3 months. Human chorionic Gonadotropins even take 1 or 2 months to get back to the normal.

Prepare yourself emotionally:

Miscarriage leaves couple with emotional traumas. Deep feeling of grief and guilt at the same time. Physical pain takes back seat when it comes to emotional pain. It may take days or some months even to heal this. You just don’t need to rush to conceive when you are not mentally prepared for next pregnancy. If you try to conceive when you are already in stress will create poor impact on your pregnancy. Make sure to conceive when you are mentally ready for it.

Switch to healthy lifestyle:

Lifestyle affects your health directly, whether you are pregnant or not or planning to get pregnant, you must follow a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet plays vital role in every aspect that includes leafy green vegetables, fruits and nutritious foods along with right proportion of water. Try to avoid any kind of addictions like smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Using Ovulation Predictors:

To improve the chances of pregnancy, it would be better to plan your intercourse near to the time of ovulation. You can predict when you are ovulating by using kits. The most feasible time to use the kit is when you get your menses regularly after miscarriage. After 2-3 months of miscarriage, you can continue having regular intercourse, which will elevate the chances of getting pregnant.

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