What Are The Uterine Malformations?
Uterine Malformations is a female genital disorder that happens due to the formation of the Mullerian duct during the time of birth. When embryo forms, two paired Mullerian ducts grow into the female reproductive region which comprises fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and upper parts of the vagina. There is no specific reason, how and why it forms. But it is one of the causes due to genetics or another development effect.
The several types of Uterine Malformations are:
- Mullerian Agenesis- it is a condition when the uterus is absent in the body.
- Unicornuate Uterus- it is a condition when the Mullerian duct fails to develop, or banana-shaped uterus is formed. An absent of kidney or kidney problems associated with this.
- Uterus Didelphys- when both Mullerian ducts fail to fuse, the double uterus is present. This occurs may be of the double cervix and vaginal partition.
- Bicornuate Uterus- when the uterus in heart-shaped.
- Septated Uterus- it occurs when the uterus is divided into a wall or septum.
For the perfect treatment, it is very important to analyze what type of uterine abnormality you are suffering from. One of the best centre to treat uterine concerns is Sneh IVF. Call us today!