What Could Be The Cause Of Repeated Miscarriages?
Miscarriage is a natural process that may occur due to genital causes and chromosomal abnormality of embryo development. There are a few more causes of recurrent miscarriages at 6 weeks that affect a woman’s ability to carry a baby.
If both male and female or either male or female have the genetic disorder may result in recurrent miscarriages. About 50%-70% of women believed to be caused by this abnormality in the chromosomal makeup of the embryo. To analyze this chromosomal disorder, karyotype analysis is performed by the doctor.
If a woman is suffering from polyps, fibroids, or congenital defects can result in recurrent miscarriages. An ultrasound test may perform to diagnose this problem.
If a woman is suffering from a weak immune system and digestive issues, she may have a high risk of multiple miscarriages. ACA and LAC tests are performed by the doctors.
If a woman has the risk of certain infections in the vagina, uterus, and others may result in miscarriages. Ultrasound tests may perform by the doctors to verify the infection severity.
If a person is suffering hormonal imbalances or other causes the risk of miscarriage increases. In this, the doctor may verify the patient’s past medical history to check the endocrine disorder.