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Pregnancy Care

Are you pregnant for the first time?

How Does It Feel Like To Be Pregnant For The First Time?

Well, well, well, it seems like you are in doubt if you are pregnant. Have you missed your periods? Are you experiencing some unusual symptoms? Are you feeling nervous about your pregnancy? Are you feeling excited at the same time? Are you having food cravings? Are you experiencing mood swings? A lot more is there in my head to ask you! If all your answers to the above questions are yes, then yes! There are pretty good chances that you are pregnant. You might be feeling totally different than usual as pregnancy is the most climacteric turning point in every couple’s life, especially for women. It is pretty obvious that you would love to know how it feels like to be pregnant for the first time because you might want to confirm if you are pregnant then, is it normal to feel this way. Everything seems serious to a woman when she is pregnant. I can totally understand you. It feels even scarier when it’s your first pregnancy. From thinking “Am I really pregnant” to “how will I deliver a baby from me?” Everything seems awful. Trust me, once you will come to know that a little heart is throbbing inside your belly, you will automatically start feeling brave. But! I would love to enlighten you with a few things in this write up that you must know. Symptoms of Pregnancy See, if you pregnant then you may experience certain symptoms of pregnancy such as, Missed periods Increased frequency to pee Sore breast Nausea or vomiting Tiredness Morning sickness Extreme level of mood swings Constipation Food cravings Cramping Little bit spotting Headaches and dizziness Any of the above symptoms can help you know the chances of pregnancy. Most importantly the first symptom i.e., missed periods. However, this can be misleading if you experience irregular menstrual rhythm. As irregular periods indicate abnormalities in your reproductive system, you are recommended to consult the Best gynecologist in Ahmedabad. Note that, if you feel any symptoms that does not necessarily mean that you are certainly pregnant as in some cases, they also indicate you are not well and should seek medical attention. Next step……… You can get a home pregnancy test and also you can directly see a doctor. If your pregnancy test is positive at home then, don’t wait to book an appointment with the doctor. Once your pregnancy is confirmed at the clinic then, you are ready to get prenatal care. If you are planning pregnancy or you are already pregnant, then your body weight and health matters the most, above everything. Switch to a healthy lifestyle, take prescribed medicines, vitamins, minerals, folic acids, iron etc. eat healthy to support your body for baby’s growth and stay positive. Don’t take stress, just relax and muster yourself up for a healthy pregnancy. Avail prenatal, antenatal or postnatal care at Sneh Hospital. We are with you throughout your parenthood journey.

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How Does Preeclampsia Affect Pregnancy?

How Does Preeclampsia Affect Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is itself a sensitive process and it becomes tougher with any complications. Preeclampsia is one of the uncommon complications of pregnancy which was previously recognized as toxemia. Preeclampsia usually occurs in late pregnancy or after the 20th week or after the delivery of the baby. In this, pregnant women experience high blood pressure (Hypertension), high levels of protein in urine, fluid retention, inflammation in legs, hands etc. Symptoms can be from mild to severe. Preeclampsia hands out sudden spikes in blood pressure. It can be fatal and leads to eclampsia which is pretty more severe than this. Eclampsia involves seizures or comas which can sometimes cause death even. If the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia are ignored and left unattended then it can be risky for the health of mother and baby. Well, it can even occur after the delivery of the baby so, it is very important to treat this at the right time. Just flip through this article to know victims, symptoms, and treatments of preeclampsia! When women become victims of preeclampsia? There are some risk factors which are more likely to increase the risk of preeclampsia in women during pregnancy. Whether you have a healthy pregnancy or not you must get a regular visit to the Best Gynecologists in Ahmedabad. Know which women are at risk of preeclampsia. Pretty common in very first pregnancy Multiple pregnancies Family history of hypertension, diabetes, diseases related to kidney Someone in your family had preeclampsia You had preeclampsia in your previous pregnancy If you are above 35 If you are obese Poor diet If you had complicated pregnancy previously Autoimmune diseases such as lupus or antiphospholipid If you have delayed pregnancy Undergone fertility treatment There can be any other causes of preeclampsia. Some causes are still not known but at Sneh IVF Hospital, we have treated complicated pregnancies no matter how normal or worst it is! Symptoms or Indications of Preeclampsia: The most common signs of preeclampsia are hypertension, high blood pressure, high proportion of protein in urine, damage to kidney or other organs etc. some symptoms a woman experiences but often avoid by considering them ordinary but can lead to the worst. Don’t ignore the symptoms such as, Chronic or severe headache Breathing difficulties Decrease in platelets counts Change in vision Body ache or upper abdominal pain Bloating, nausea and vomiting Sudden change in weight Increase liver enzymes Dizziness Less or more urination Inflammation in hands, feet, or legs There can be other symptoms which can’t be seen or felt but a regular visit to the doctor can reduce the chances of high risk pregnancy. Why should preeclampsia be treated? Preeclampsia must not be left unattended as it can become fatal and leads to the various pregnancy risks such as eclampsia, seizures or coma, or postpartum hemorrhage, reversible blindness, organs damage, kidney damage, liver damage, cardiovascular disease, destruction of red blood cells, premature birth, and placental abruption. On top of everything, it can also restrict the growth of the fetal. It should be treated at the right time. How is preeclampsia treated? At Sneh Hospital, we offer the best treatment to our valuable patients. We work as a support system for couples along their journey to parenthood. When it comes to pregnancy complications we offer the treatment depending upon the severity of the condition. For treating preeclampsia, we have comprehensive options in accordance with the situation, know it all! Regular monitoring of blood pressure Antihypertensive drugs such as labetalol As per situation, we recommend premature delivery If baby is well-developed, our doctor may recommend induce delivery or C-section delivery Blood test or urine test Injection of magnesium sulphate to prevent preeclampsia related seizures Steroid injection for baby’s lung maturity Medications to reduce symptoms   Other than this, the treatment is utterly hinged on the stage or level of preeclampsia. Make a regular visit to the Best Maternity hospital in Ahmedabad. We offer prenatal, antenatal and postnatal care and counseling. Contact us now to have a healthy pregnancy!          

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Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With Removed Ovaries?

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With Removed Ovaries?

Natural conception requires a lot of factors to be worked on at the right time. The best part is the advancement in the medical field especially in the reproductive field. Some women face challenges in getting pregnant by copulation so they can avail the benefits from our Best Fertility Specialists in Ahmedabad at Sneh Hospital throughout their parenthood journey. On top of everything, the most important part of the body for getting pregnant is ovaries. However, regrettably, some women have to get their ovaries removed owing to some medical conditions. What’s best! The comforting prospect is women can still get pregnant with removed ovaries. This does not necessarily mean that women cannot get pregnant or can certainly get pregnant. Know it all! What is the role of ovaries during pregnancy? Ovaries are the most crucial female organ when it comes to pregnancy. Women have two ovaries on either side of the uterus. From the moment puberty hits females, they start getting menses. When a woman is ovulating, her ovaries release an egg every month. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm, it will result in pregnancy. This cycle keeps on and on until she reaches at menopause. Why do ovaries need to be removed? As women have to carry a plethora of tasks at a time, she often forgets to take care of her health, especially her reproductive system which is quite sensitive. Dealing with reproductive health is pretty tough. Women during her reproductive age may face certain challenges such as ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, ovarian cancer etc. In these cases, ovaries need to be removed otherwise, it can be fatal. If a woman is aware of her ovarian condition, then she has the best option that is egg freezing. If you have reserved eggs then, you still have chances to get pregnant in spite of having removed ovaries. How will I get pregnant with removed ovaries? Egg freezing is the best option for women who want delayed pregnancy or who are underlying any medical condition which may affect their pregnancy or who will be undergoing any treatments or chemotherapies for cancer. Egg freezing technology permits you to synchronize your priorities without worrying about your biological clock. Fertility medications are given to women to stimulate her ovaries to boost egg production. Once there are a good number of eggs, then they will be retrieved and stored until you are ready to have a child. At Sneh Hospital, the Most Trusted IVF Centre in Ahmedabad, we use cutting-edge technologies at par with the international standards. We keep your eggs safe, we keep our future safe. Empty your worries to us and fill your bag with happiness and hopes. Consult now!    

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How is Folic Acid Helpful for Fertility?

How is Folic Acid Helpful for Fertility?

Hey! Are you looking for supplements for fertility? You might be ferreting around about this as you have heard or someone might have recommended you about folic acid. In order to develop Red Blood Cells and DNA production, folate plays crucial role. What more, it also performs function of cell division. When blood cells containing low level of folate then it leads to anemia. Well, it is true that folic acid is essential nutrient in the body. but you might want to hunt down how this will help you to boost your fertility and help you conceive. Know it all here! How is folic acid helpful for female fertility? Women who don’t have sufficient folic acid in body are at high risk during pregnancy as it has increased chance that baby may born with neural tube defect can lead to lifelong disability, and at worst, they can lead to early death. In a view of fact that folic acid ensures the cell division, fetal grows with the help of those cell divisions. Consumption of folic acid can lower the risk of congenital heart defects and also reduces the risk of premature birth and underweight babies. Moreover, it elevates progesterone levels and narrows down the risk of irregular ovulation. There are various benefits of having enough folate in your body especially when you are pregnant. How is folic acid helpful for male fertility? Considering the fact, to get pregnant, embryo is required. To get a healthy embryo, there is need of healthy egg and sperm. Healthy sperm is as important as healthy egg. Men are equally accountable for pregnancy just as women. Men has potency to create 1500 new sperm cells in every second. Deficiency of folic acid may lead to poor sperm DNA stability. Folate plays crucial role in maintaining health of sperm and also indicate sperm count. Folic acid and zinc in conjunction increase total sperm count in fertile or sub fertile men. Low level of these supplements can create an impact on the men’s fertility and can lead to oligospermia, azoospermia and various other peculiarities in sperm. Moreover, its deficiency can increase the proportion of healthy and normal sperm while increasing the count of abnormal sperm. Food Rich in Folic Acid: Now you understand that folic acid is pretty important for boosting fertility. Enriched cereals and breads are the easiest way to grab more folic acid into your diet. It is more helpful when you take it in ideal amount say for, men and women 400 mcg is required, while a pregnant women need to take 600 mcg and a lactating mother requires 500 mcg folic acid on daily basis. Folic acid is mostly present in, Asparagus Avocado Beef Liver Black-Eyed Peas Broccoli Brussels Spinach White Rice Mustard Greens Green Peas Kidney Beans Peanuts Wheat Germ Tomato Juice Orange Juice Turnip Greens Oranges Papaya Bananas Folic acid keeps men and women from the complicated pregnancies by improving their fertility and reduces the risk of birth defects. However, most importantly couples should consult with the doctor before started taking any supplements. At Sneh hospital, our specialists guide couples and assist them in conceiving.      

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Major Types of Sonography / Ultrasounds for Women

Major Types of Sonography / Ultrasounds for Women

“Well, in this era, where there are various conditions which can leave us unsuspecting about it until it gets worst. At this moment, ultrasound works as a gold standard for early detection.” Ultrasound uses high frequency waves to get an image of the internal organs of the body. Ultrasounds are also known as Sonograms. It is mainly categorized into two parts; General detection of any peculiarities in the body and pelvic cavity What is Ultrasound Scan test? An ultrasound/ Sonography is a process that make use of high frequency sound waves for screening internal organs of the body. It is mostly performed for specific purposes like woman’s abdomen and reproductive system, most importantly during pregnancy to check on fetus. Every so often, ultrasound and sonogram are considered as different by few, but they are used interchangeably and indicated same examination. They can get a view of the anatomy and action of the body’s internal organs, involving the abdomen, the fetus of pregnant women and also flow of blood through blood vessels. There are two foremost types of ultrasounds: Pelvic Ultrasound: A pelvic ultrasound for both men and women may be done to access the following:   For Both: Kidney stone, bladder stone, Urinary bladder For Women: (Transvaginal Ultrasound) During pregnancy, Uterine tube (Fallopian Tube), Cervix, Bladder For Men: Prostate Gland   Abdominal ultrasound: It hands out picture of the organs and other anatomies in the upper abdomen. It may be performed to access: For Both: Abdominal aorta, blood vessels of the abdomen, Liver, Kidneys, Spleen, Gallbladder, Pancreas   Ultrasounds for female: These are mainly categorized for two purposes: Diagnostic ultrasound and Pregnancy ultrasounds Pregnancy ultrasound:  to look at growth of fetus and information about a baby’s growth, development, and overall health. Diagnostic ultrasound: to watch over and provide details about other internal parts of the body. These include the heart, blood vessels, liver, bladder, kidneys, and female reproductive organs. Why is Ultrasound Sonography test needed? An abdominal ultrasound test is mostly performed to evaluate the conditions of the major organs in the human body’s abdominal cavity. The ultrasound majorly helps in monitoring properly various organs such as liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder. An ultrasound is recommended by the doctor. The ultrasound images aid in diagnosing and treating medical conditions. To find the reason for abdominal pain Detecting issues or damage, tumor in any organs or other medical conditions Access the size, shape and position of an organ Check ovaries and uterus Cancers in the abdominal organs Detect any fertility issues Check for IUD If any inflammation in the pelvic organs Kidney stones Find about an ectopic pregnancy Monitor the growth of baby during pregnancy Pregnancy Ultrasound: A pregnancy ultrasound is performed to get details about the health of an unborn baby. It may be used to: Confirm Pregnancy Check the position of the baby inside Check multiple pregnancies if any (Twins or more) To estimate the duration of pregnancy i.e., gestational age Check for detecting any birth defects in the brain, spinal cord, heart or overall parts of the body To check the proportion of amniotic fluid that protects the baby from any outside injury or cold also promote lung development and growth of bone Diagnostic Ultrasound: Diagnostic ultrasound is used to, Check the structure of heart and see if there are any abnormalities Find out if the rate or level of flowing blood See if there are any blockages in the gall bladder Diagnose the thyroid gland in order to know the growth of cancerous and non-cancerous growth Support in biopsy procedure Check for any peculiarities in the abdomen and kidney Look at a breast lump to see if it might be cancer Help find the reason behind pelvic pain. Help find the cause of unusual menstrual bleeding Other Tests Along with Ultrasound Sonography Test In conjunction with the ultrasound, other tests may be suggested by our doctor to check the overall health of pelvic organs. These tests may be Hysteroscopy – A plan of action where a thin device is inserted into the vagina to check for any uterine issues laparoscopy – A plan of action wherein an illuminated thin tube is passed through the abdominal wall to check the organs   Our doctor might recommend other tests to check on the health of your pelvis. Besides these, there are other various types of ultrasounds suggested by doctors in accordance with the patient’s condition.    

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Miscarriage-Failed to leave imprint on this sphere

I apologize to all the mothers for this horrible occurrence which deplaned you to this page. Our heartfelt condolences on your loss. The soreness you have been feeling in your heart cannot be juxtaposed to the joy that is on your way. We cannot take your pain even if we want to but definitely sending you major good vibes your way and hoping you believe in yourself just as much as the whole universe believes in you, mommies. Miscarriage is the most terrific word to any mother which has a dreadful meaning that the most beautiful thing gets missed to be seen by a mother i.e., Loss of pregnancy before the 20 weeks whereas stillbirth is the loss of baby after 20 weeks. It is found that 10-15% pregnancies end up having miscarriages overall, which are obviously not good specifics. Causes- What motivates the miscarriages? Chromosomal abnormalities Infection Hormonal irregularities Maternal age Severe kidney disease Diabetes Thyroid Certain medication Radiation Addiction- drugs, alcohol, smoking etc. Symptoms of miscarriage: Weight loss Belly pain Weakness Vaginal bleeding Back pain Heavy spotting After miscarriage things: Fever above 100 degrees Foul vaginal smelling discharge Drowsiness Pelvic pain Increased urination Mood swings Swollen breast Physical recovery after miscarriage:          Usually, women bleed for 2 weeks which create discomfort or irritation. They are recommended to not to do any physical activity including household chores, lifting weights and say no to intercourse, say no to use tampons while bleeding for few weeks, do not use douche- vaginal cleansing products. Say for 4-5 weeks, the menstrual cycle gets on the track as before. Grief after miscarriage Emotional psyche of different person is different. Some recovers it in a bit of time while some needs few months. Feeling depressed, helpless, demotivated which requires long time to recover. Some pregnant women get scared of their earlier miscarriage even, is a matter of concern too. So emotional recovery is depended on the person’s nature. Sentimental pain is a lot more than physical pain so women need a major support of their family to overcome that Why miscarriage hands out sentimental shock? It is the weakness of the flesh to feel sad, angry, hopeless or low after having such a bad hap. Since the brain and heart of the human are out of the mortal’s order. The nastiest thing of the mankind is expectation which gets down to disappointments. Can I say? Expectation is like a crime and disappointment is a punishment to it. Lots and lots of thoughts and dreams for the baby which a mother always had and wanted those to be turned out to a reality now has remained dream only. On a loss of pregnancy, a mother gets depressed because she continues that unbreakable bond with the baby she has created in those days. Depression is the worst feeling one can ever feel, even men feel this on their partner’s miscarriage. But somehow men manage to overcome the depression in short time as compared to women. Help your partner to overcome the miscarriage depression: Why don’t people talk about after-miscarriage things? After the pregnancy loss, women don’t get much care and ignore their feelings. Instead of that, family should try to make the women overcome this stumbling block. Loss is loss whether it is huge or wee.  She needs you! Don’t try to say her to forget and move on because her feelings are genuine Support her to accept that bitter truth but keep her away from negativity Listen to her, don’t stop her saying things and validate her feelings She wants a good listener therefore, don’t give advice at that time Try to not to fix her at a time Don’t try to control her emotions Try to handle her mood swings Don’t compare her situation with others because it will hurt her even more Offer your help to perform her everyday task Try to divert her mind by doing her favorite pastimes when her mood swings Spend time with her, don’t let her stay alone You must stay emotionally strong in front of her Try not to utter anything related to baby for some days or even a month Surprise her by putting together her favorite food Take her to the ride or out of her place Explain her that good things come after the storm. In addition, prepare your partner to give another chance Give yourself another chance:         Once both the partners get themselves out of that trauma i.e., emotionally and physically say for few weeks, they can try once again. Because, it is safe to try to conceive a baby after 3-4 weeks of miscarriage. “Everyone talks about how issues can ruin people but nobody converses about tackling the after-problem things”

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How to get pregnent with PCOS

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With PCOS?

Most women with PCOS have certain questions, for instance: Can I get pregnant, if I’m diagnosed with PCOS? What are the concern areas in PCOS? How to get pregnant with PCOS? How long it will take to get pregnant in PCOS? Will I deliver a healthy baby, if I have PCOS? You don’t need to worry too much even if you have PCOS. Here, we will bring all the information into view for you. Go through this and get to know everything right here! Basics: PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a health issue whereby reproductive hormone creates hormonal imbalance which affects adversely on ovaries. In addition, it even creates metabolism problem that affects the overall health. It troubles 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Normally ovaries release the egg at each month which shows healthy menstrual cycle. Whereas in PCOS, during ovulation, eggs may not be released or developed as they should be. How do I know that I have PCOS? If you feel any symptoms from the below, then you should go for PCOS diagnosis. Above all, it will keep you aware of your health. Missed or irregular menses (periods) Too much hair on body Ovarian cyst Infertility Skin darkening Acne or oily skin Male-pattern Hair loss, thinning hair or baldness Weight gain, mostly around the abdomen PCOS diagnosis: When you find any symptoms or feel trouble in getting pregnant. then, you should consult doctor at first place. Physical examination by doctor Blood test to check male hormones Ultrasound to check ovarian cyst How is PCOS treated? PCOS Can’t be cured wholly but symptoms can be managed or reduced. In this, treatment depends on the symptoms women have. You can reduce the symptoms by following ways, Life style changes Eating healthy food Exercise regularly Losing weight Medicines to reduce symptoms Surgery Can I conceive, if I’m diagnosed with PCOS? You might be worried about your future pregnancy and keep asking yourself can I get pregnant, if I have PCOS? Then answer is big Yes! you can still conceive, if you have PCOS. If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, that doesn’t mean you cannot get pregnant. but yes, risk rate is slightly higher and you need specialized care. Well in PCOS, hormonal imbalance creates disturbance and obstructs the ovaries to release the egg. This is very simple, if you do not ovulate, you cannot get pregnant. But there are certain medicines doctor recommends which helps you to ovulate and raise the chances of getting pregnant. What medicines will help me to ovulate? You can take the following medicine only when you had a word with doctor about this or he recommends you for ovulation Clomiphene Metformin Follicle stimulating hormone Luteinizing hormone Letrozole Possible risks and complications during pregnancy: If you have PCOS then, it can trouble you getting pregnant. however, if you get pregnant then, you need specialized care because risk rate and complications are much higher in this than normal. It can lead to, Gestational diabetes Miscarriage Pre-eclampsia High blood pressure Pre mature birth How long it will take to get pregnant in PCOS? Well, a lot of women have this question. The answer to this question depends on your age, your partner’s age, your and your partner’s health status, other risk factors, addictions if any. In addition, how you have managed your PCOS symptoms? If you are under 35, and you and your partner have good health status with no other risk factors then it will take a year or lesser When you both have fertility issues, then it may take longer say for, 1 year or above If you are above 35 or 40, chances of getting pregnant are less because fertility starts declining after this age. But still with the advancement of technology and fertility treatments it has made possible to conceive Will I deliver a healthy baby, if I have PCOS? Many women with PCOS gave birth to healthy babies. Yes! it is possible to deliver a baby with no birth defects, even if you are diagnosed with PCOS. But for that, you need to narrow down your symptoms of PCOS by reducing weight, reducing BMI, take medicines for irregular periods, take medicines for ovulation, switch to exercises, eat balanced diet. It will hand you out a healthy baby. In conclusion, if you are a woman with PCOS, and scared about your future pregnancy or anything. Without thinking too much. Schedule an appointment with doctor and consult. Because, at this stage you need extra personalized care.  

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High-Risk Pregnancy Care

High-Risk Pregnancy Care : What You Need To Know

Being pregnant for a woman is full package of excitement, joy, stress, anxiety and bulk of questions & dilemmas at the same time. Will my baby be ok? What things do I need to avoid, care should I be taken, common factors for high-risk pregnancy? And many more. Majority of women undergo a routine course, healthy pregnancy and deliver normal babies. Somehow, some women have high risk pregnancy and they need specialized medical care from the specialists at that time to have healthy pregnancy. The term “high risk pregnancy” referred as medical complications related to their health and their baby’s health. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to lose baby or anything bad will happen but in rare cases, it can be life threatening. Early prenatal care can narrow down the risk in pregnancy and promote healthy pregnancy. Know more about high-risk pregnancy and promote yourself for healthy pregnancy. RISK FACTOR FOR HIGH-RISK PREGNANCY Maternal age – if a woman is under 17 or above 35, then their pregnancy is at greater risk and may have certain complications. It can increase the chances of miscarriage. Pre-pregnancy Medical conditions– Obesity, diabetes, epilepsy, kidney disease, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, heart or blood disorders, PCOS, poorly controlled asthma, and infections can increase pregnancy risks. Medical conditions during pregnancy– preeclampsia, depression, gestational diabetes, infection, growth problem, birth defects etc. Overweight/ underweight– if a woman is over or under weight before the pregnancy can lead to certain pregnancy complications Multiple pregnancies– woman carrying triplets, twins or multiple pregnancies need to take extra care than other pregnancies Addictions– smoking any illegal drugs, too much of alcohol can cause pregnancy complications Problems with the anatomy of the uterus, cervix or placenta Premature labor, placenta previa are the pregnancy related issues WHAT SHOULD I DO WHEN I HAVE HIGH RISK PREGNANCY? First of all, if your pregnancy is at risk, doctor will let you know on the spur of the moment. Then, he will prepare a prenatal care chart for you to keep you & your baby safe and to promote a healthy pregnancy. it may include following, Schedule regular appointment plus extra appointments with doctor Recommend immunizations Tests and ultrasound Healthy diet plan Appointment with genetic counselor Appointment with physician Moderate and safe exercise plan Bed rest at home of extremely required Avoid drugs, alcohol, smoking If you feel certain symptoms like vaginal bleeding, pain, cramps, vaginal discharge, severe headache, dizziness, fever or chill, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, swelling over body, decreased fetal activity, you should always contact doctor which will help you to reduce further risk. WHAT TESTS DO I NEED? Our doctor may recommend you to undergo following, Ultrasound– fetal ultrasound which helps to show the image of the baby in the uterus by sending high frequency sound waves Prenatal cell free DNA screening- it is done by extracting DNA from the mother and fetus to detect the chromosomal abnormalities Maternal blood pressure- this reading screens you for preeclampsia if having. Amniocentesis- sample of fluid is drawn from the surrounding of fetus to identify certain genetic conditions or brain abnormalities BPP- biophysical profile ultrasound used to check the condition of baby inside the uterus and also monitors fetal heart rate Lab test– it is conducted to detect any infection or disease like HIV and test your urine for urinary tract infection Above diagnosis will help you to reduce the pregnancy risk and further uncertainty. You should follow the below tips for being alert before or during the pregnancy even if it is healthy, Share all the details and be honest with your doctor Attend all prenatal appointments Stay away from stress and depression to protect your mental health Take medications as prescribed Take measures to prevent infections Choose healthy life style Eat healthy food When you want help, get the best pregnancy advice from our expert doctors at Sneh Hospital. Don’t hesitate to  contact us if you feel any symptoms or anything. Book an appointment now and share your problem with us!    

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