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IVF Treatment

How to Improve Your IVF Success Rate 7 Tips

Know How to Improve Your IVF Success Rate

In the hope of becoming a mother, you have gone through the IVF treatment, and of course, you want to make it successful naturally. Well, there are few IVF cases resulted in unsuccessful based on factors like age, weight, and quality of sperm or eggs of the couple. The IVF (In Vitro fertilization) is not an easy method to get a successful pregnancy. It requires great care from the patient who is undergoing the IVF process. Conceiving becomes challenging during the IVF process. However, when you meet with an IVF doctor, he/she will give you hope and success rate of IVF after studying your case and everything. If you think everything depends on the doctor, so you are completely wrong. Your efforts, passion, and desire can help you to get success in the IVF journey. Your habits, listening to the doctor, following your doctor diet plans, and many more things you need to consider while undergoing In vitro fertilization treatment. Spending multiple hours in the hospital and enough amount of your saving in the Treatments needs worth that is why we are here for your help. In this page, we are going to share some secrets and tips with you, which can increase the chances of IVF success. I know it is a difficult time for you, but changing some of your habits and adding some tips in your diet can boost the chances of fertilization, so why don’t we apply them? The given tips are recommended by the IVF experts so take a look. Tips you should follow 1. Always Go For a Rich Diet While getting IVF cycle sessions, you may experience pain and stress in mind and the body. Sometimes this may lower your confidence and stamina to take next step, but if you eat a rich diet loaded with antioxidants, proteins, minerals, and vitamins your body becomes strong and you can bear emotional and physical trauma. Rich diet does not include heavy metals. You need to eat fresh fruits, juice, take high fiber meal, nuts, and many more. This influence the chances to get a successful pregnancy. 2. Avoid the Use of Cosmetics The IVF doctor advice to every woman while undergoing this treatment to avoid the use of cosmetics. No matter what brand you are using. You need to avoid it until the success of IVF. These are made of harsh chemicals, hence this reduces the chances and even become the reasons for side effects. 3. Do Not Use Pain-Killers As I said, IVF is a quite painful treatment. This may trouble you physically badly because you have to undergo various physical treatments that may create pain. If you feel pain or any other issues in the body, must speak with your IVF doctor. Do not take any medication of your choice, this may give risks in pregnancy. 4. Take Enough Sleep Having adequate sleep of complete 8 hours can improve the success rate of IVF first time. If a person gets good sleep, the sleeping hormone melatonin works properly in reproduction. The ideal sleep time for good results is 10 pm to 6 am. 5. Forget About Sex During the IVF cycle, it is highly advisable to avoid sex whether it is manually or sexually. Through the sex, the entire process changes into a mess and you left with only a few chances to get success. 6. Reduce Stress Stress can have a negative impact on your chances of success with IVF. There are a number of things you can do to reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation, and spending time with loved ones. 7. Be Patient IVF is a complex process, and it can take time to achieve success. It’s important to be patient and to trust the process. Some Beneficial Tips You Should Use To Boost Fertility with IVF Drink water as much as you can Take massage for relaxation Be happy Go for the vacation Go light exercise or yoga Spend your quality time with your parent or friends Stay positive IVF Success Rate in Ahmedabad The IVF success rates in Ahmedabad depends on various aspects such as age, numbers of embryos, and quality of eggs and sperm. Let us take a quick look at every point in detail: Age Age is a crucial factor which influences the success rate of IVF. Age is a dominating factor in IVF because with the growing age the quality of eggs in women declines, so we do not estimate how much IVF sacksful in your case. As per the estimates, the IVF success rate under 35 is 33%- 35%, whereas if the women are 25 years old, the chances are higher i.e. 46% and the IVF success rate over 40 years aged women is only 14%- 20%. Quality of Embryo Nothing is important than IVF success rates first time by age and number of embryos used in IVF cycle. If they are in great quality the chances are higher as compare to other factors. Final Words To increase the IVF success rate in your case, you must follow the above tips and follow up your doctor. This may increase the chances and brings happiness in your life.

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Top IVF centre

IVF Treatment: A Guide for Couples Struggling to Conceive

IVF is a complex treatment that requires a lot of attention from your IVF doctor. Dr Nisarg Dharaiya is one of the best ivf doctors in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. After all, he/she will be the only person who can make your parental dream comes true. Well, in all over India there are so many IVF specialists available, but you need to look for the experienced and the best IVF centre in Ahmedabad that may guide you well in every stage of your treatment. You know that selecting the best IVF doctor mat tricky, but if you what IVF is all about and what are your chances to get pregnant so this may become a little easier. However, in terms of innovation and techniques, IVF treatment uses the same technique in different locations and hospitals, but you should make your decision only after checking out the professionalism of the staff and expertise in IVF treatment. For every couple, having a child is feeling complete. To conceive a pregnancy, strong sperm, uterus, embryos, and eggs are crucial. If anyone fails in this process, the doctors recommend IVF treatment. Undoubtedly, IVF treatment brings hope to infertile couples. It is an outstanding modern technology that makes it possible for a couple to get their biological baby in their hands, who are struggling for a year to conceive. In India, the overall IVF success rate is 30%- 35%. Well, every couple has their own fertility issues. So, you do not need to make your decision after knowing about some negative results. Take advice from experts and go through complete medical tests to know about your chances of getting pregnant. What is IVF Treatment? In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex process in which egg and sperm are combined outside the body under special labs. The IVF expert performs the entire process to increase the chances of pregnancy. Step-by-step IVF process The IVF process start to finish may include the following steps: 1. Day 1 of your period – the doctor will help you to identify your day 1 period. 2. Stimulating Ovaries – the doctor may give you injections or medications to increase the number of eggs in the body. 3. Egg Retrieval – in this, the eggs are collected from the ovaries. 4. Use of Sperm Either Donor Or Partner – if the male partner has low sperm quality, the doctor will take sperm and send it into the washing process to prepare it for fertilization. 5. Fertilization – the doctor places the eggs and sperm in a special petri dish and inserts them into the female womb for natural fertilization. 6. Embryo Development – when the sperm fertilized with eggs in special labs, it refers to embryo development. 7. Embryo Transfer – once the embryo develops, the doctor will transfer it into the female uterus in the hope of a successful pregnancy. 8. Blood Test – after a few days of embryo transfer, the doctor will perform a blood test to know whether the pregnancy is achieved or not. Who needs IVF Treatment? Having trouble conceiving? It is a common reason that we have found in couples to go for IVF. The primary causes may include: Tubal Factor/ pelvic Connexions Male infertility Age-related infertility PCOS Undetermined infertility   Risks involved in IVF Most of the couples achieved success in infertility treatment, so their risks were low. While undergoing treatment, there is no risk of blood loss or any infection. However, women may have a chance to conceive twins. Sometimes the body does not support treatment in the initial stage, hence the patient may experience a few side effects such as constipation, passing out of fluid, headache, cramping, and gastric issues. IVF Success To be very honest, the severity of getting success in IVF depends on age, your doctor’s exercise, and the health of a woman. If her body is compatible to support changes, the chances increase to get success in the treatment. Eggs and sperm also play a crucial role in the success of IVF. If you want the highest success rate, then you need to look for the best test-tube baby center in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Cost of IVF The ordinary IVF cost of one cycle treatment in the Fertility center would be Rs. 90,000, which can raise to 1, 50,000 lakhs; excluding your doctor’s fee, medicines, injections, and all such expenses. This could vary from person to person, because of several health factors or might be your infertility issues. Sneh ivf offers affordable IVF treatment cost in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Conclusion IVF treatment makes it possible for every aged woman to get pregnant; however, the chances of getting pregnant may vary from woman to woman. In most cases, IVF generates negative results; therefore no one doctor gives complete surety of the results. But yes there is a huge hope that you can conceive if everything goes well.

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How Meditation And Infertility Are Related

How Meditation And Infertility Are Related?

Stress has devastating effect on fertility so when it comes to fertility concern, yoga and meditation are incredibly effective.  Stress, anxiety and depression can affect the chances of pregnancy. It can affect the quality of egg and sperm and damage the fertility. One method that is frequently utilized to release hormones that are beneficial for conception and birth is meditation. Cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress, is one of these hormones. The amount of cortisol can be decreased through meditation. The happy hormone oxytocin, which is released during meditation, aids in birth, new born bonding, and milk production. Serotonin and oxytocin both contribute to mood elevation. Meditation is beneficial to couples who are planning a baby, Couples who are expecting a baby benefit greatly from meditation since it maintains their overall health and helps them psychologically and emotionally get ready for the changes that are coming. Yoga helps you stay balanced, cheerful, and serene. It also aids in welcoming a decent and peaceful person as a new family member. Couples who are unable to conceive naturally may also try a variety of ART techniques, some of which may not be effective the first time around. In these situations, meditation becomes crucial for dealing with disappointment and moving forward optimistically. As we delve deeper, we learn that everything that is happening, even though it may seem unpleasant at the time, is actually happening for our best interests in the grand scheme of things. The chances of conceiving increase when we move on with such hope and optimism, but the most essential thing is that we learn to approach life with serenity, acceptance, and positivity no matter what the circumstance. Role of Meditation For Fertility When trying to conceive, the following circumstances can all greatly benefit from meditation: Hormone Balance: Every month, the brain controls the hormones that cause the ovaries to release eggs. By interfering with the signals that are transmitted to the brain during ovulation, hormonal imbalance affects fertility. In certain situations, meditation affects hormone-producing centers, resulting in a hormonal balance that might aid in conception. Reduces Levels of Stress: Every month, the fixation with trying to conceive, monitoring ovulation, and tracking menstrual cycles spirals out of control, leaving us anxious until it’s time to try again. When we are under stress, our bodies produce more cortisol than is necessary, which could cause other hormones connected to fertility, like Oestrogen and testosterone, to shut down. Enhances Empathy for Oneself: In our quest to become mothers, we frequently begin to blame our bodies and selves for our inability to conceive. Meditation provides the door to compassion for ourselves, which then extends to others, easing the process of becoming pregnant. The longevity of all body cells and female ova: All the eggs a woman will ever have are present when she is born, therefore it’s crucial to save the ones she has left. Meditation lengthens the time window for conception by slowing down ageing and cell death. Some people suffer from autoimmune illnesses, endometriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic inflammation. These disorders may prove to be obstacles to getting pregnant, even for IVF-using women. “Simply said, meditation can control these unhealthy bodily functions, increasing your likelihood of hearing joyful screams.”    

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What Is The Difference Between IUI And IVF?

What is the Difference Between IUI And IVF?

In vitro fertilizations (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) are two of the most popular fertility procedures. Consider your fertility treatment choices if you’re having trouble becoming pregnant naturally. Of course, you have some inquiries concerning the capabilities and differences of each of these treatments. In order to assist you choose which method is ideal for you, our specialists at Sneh Hospital & IVF Centre, can walk you through the distinctions between IUI and IVF treatments. What is IUI : Procedure for Intrauterine Insemination The intended mother or surrogate’s uterus is injected with the intended father’s sperm once or twice during an IUI (or artificial insemination) treatment in the days after her ovulation IUI increases the likelihood that the sperm and egg will combine to form a fertile embryo by injecting the sperm directly into the uterus. A successful conception and pregnancy are also more likely when higher sperm concentrations are used. IUI Benefits and Drawbacks: IUIs are frequently selected because they take less time and generally cost less than IVF. The male partner’s (or a donor’s) sperm is directly put into the uterus during the IUI technique. The ovulation of the female partner also occurs during the process. Women under the age of 35 are often advised to undergo intrauterine insemination since they have a greater success rate than women beyond the age of 35. With only approximately a 5% likelihood, women over the age of 40 had the lowest success rate with IUI. It’s also crucial to remember that there is a higher chance of multiple births (twins or more) when IUI is paired with the usage of fertility medications to stimulate the ovaries. If the IUIs are unsuccessful, many women choose to go through two to three rounds of IUI before attempting in vitro fertilizations. What is IVF : Process of In Vitro Fertilizations One of the most popular and effective fertility treatment options is in vitro-fertilizations. As stated earlier, our doctors advise trying IVF if three or more cycles of IUI are unsuccessful. This procedure involves the use of fertility medicines to stimulate the ovaries, which stimulates the creation of several eggs at once. When the eggs are ready, they are removed and fertilized in a lab with sperm. The uterus is then filled with the resultant embryos. The embryos may attach to the uterine wall after this embryo transfer procedure is finished, leading to a pregnancy. Why intending parents choose IVF? IUI is less successful than IVF on average. For women over 40, it is the procedure that is most strongly advised. Moreover, IVF allows the fertility specialist and the intended parents’ better control over the quantity of embryos transplanted into the uterus, reducing the possibility of multiple births. IVF, however, comes at a higher price and necessitates more fertility drugs. To decide whether IVF or IUI is best for you given your specific source of infertility, you will need to consult with our fertility doctor. The IVF technique is more expensive than artificial insemination. Choosing Between IVF and IUI: A Guide Consultation with a fertility specialist is the best method to decide if IUI or IVF is the best option for you. In the end, you may be able to make the best choice for yourself, but doctors can offer professional advice in light of your age, condition, and the cause of your infertility. Younger couples may be strong candidates for IUI because they often have more effectiveness with the procedure. However, if further IUI cycles are required because fertilisation was unsuccessful, the cost of this procedure may increase. Because of this, it’s critical to consider the costs, advantages, and dangers before making a choice. It might be time to consult a fertility specialist if you have attempted to get pregnant for more than a year without success. To arrange a consultation and learn more about the variations between IUI and IVF fertility treatments, get in touch with our fertility center right away.

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IVF benefits

Top Benefits of In-Vitro Fertilization Treatment

In the world of infertility, IVF is making your dreams a reality. It is mostly considered as an ultimate stop for infertile couples. Because they know that other treatments may disappoint them at first but the trust in IVF raises hope in them at the last. The end result of IVF is accomplishing a healthy pregnancy and this is all you want. You might be amazed to know about the other bright sides of in-vitro fertilization treatment. IVF is a magic formula for successful pregnancy. For those who battle infertility, IVF is the best and the most trustworthy option for them. Empty your worries away and give a sight to the best parts of IVF treatment which can bestow you with a beautiful parenthood. Welcome IVF so IVF will welcome a baby in your life. Highest success rate: There are various fertility treatments such as In vitro fertilization, intrauterine insemination, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection etc. Among all, IVF has the highest success rate. At first, the patients are given fertility medications, if they failed to conceive through this, then IUI is recommended. If it fails, then IVF is the last stop where a couple will definitely conceive. Safest treatment: IVF is the safest treatment. It uses drugs as per requirement neither more nor less but accurately. Our doctors stay with the patients throughout their journey to parenthood. Patients are monitored on a regular basis to see how the treatment is going. If they notice any peculiarities during treatment then they are treated at the same time. Have options to choose: People are often unaware about the fact that there are various types of IVF such as injection free IVF (needle Free IVF), natural IVF, conventional IVF and mini IVF. As per your needs and requirements, you can choose the most suitable treatment. For everyone: IVF is designed for everyone and anyone. Apart for infertile couples, it can be used for surrogate mother, same sex couples. It can be used by infertile couples regardless of causes of infertility. Lesser risks: Since the pregnancy is monitored at every step, there are almost nil risk of miscarriages and any other risks. In case, there are abnormalities in pregnancy then they are detected at an early stage during the process and can be easily treatable. Use healthy embryos: As IVF is an artificial reproductive technique, the fertilization takes place outside the body under the observation of embryologists. More than one egg is fertilized to choose the best one from them. Other benefits: Benefits of IVF are countless. Other than these, you can avail other benefits also such as you can choose the donor; you can have pregnancy on your time, fertility preservation, good chances of having a healthy baby etc. Gone are the days, when people had to battle with infertility. Share your worries and grab the best solutions at Sneh Hospital! Book an appointment now!   

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5 Most Interesting Facts About IVF Treatment

5 Most Interesting Facts About IVF Treatment

Many people are skeptical about IVF treatment or even sometimes mislead by this term also. IVF is a blessing for couples who are facing difficulty in pregnancy and failed to conceive for many years. This modern technique raises hope in infertile couples. Deciding on IVF treatment is a pretty big move. Basically, IVF is an artificial reproductive technique that involves fertilization of an egg in a culture dish or petri dish, and on the maturation of the embryo, it is rightly implanted into the mother’s womb. Afterwards, the embryo will turn into the baby and she will carry that tiny soul in her belly for nine months just like in the natural conception. Just look through this write-up to know some interesting facts about IVF treatment: IVF is not so uncommon: Owing to various factors such as sedentary lifestyle, medical conditions, genetic conditions, and many more, people are becoming victims of infertility. Infertility has become more common in couples and so is the IVF treatment. One out of every 8 men is suffering from infertility. They are failing to conceive for years and IVF is blessing them with their dream. IVF gives good chances of twins: During the IVF cycle, if more than one embryo is implanted then, it will result in multiple pregnancies. Sometimes, a single egg gets divided inside after the implantation which also results in Around 30-40% of the couples successfully conceiving twins through IVF treatment. Twin sounds cute and it’s like a dream for many couples. However, multiple births are a bit risky and need extra specialized medical care. IVF gives a great chance of conceiving twins. The age of partners matters for IVF treatment: whether you want to conceive naturally or through IVF treatment, age is the most dominating factor for pregnancy. As the age increases, the quality of eggs in women and sperm in men becomes poor. In nutshell, increasing age decreases fertility which reduces the chances of getting pregnant. If you are older, like above 35, then the success rate of IVF may get low. IVF has various types: Yes, it is true, there are various types of IVF such as conventional IVF, natural IVF, needle-free IVF (Injection free IVF) and mini IVF. Once your fertility screening and physical examination is done, the doctor will recommend you the best fit IVF in accordance with your body. IVF is worth it in the end: Though infertility is debilitating and frustrating for you, it gives you a lot of physical and psychological trauma during the cycle, but in the end it will all be worth IVF will leave you with all the positive things and you may not regret it.  “All you need is patience because IVF will leave you with all the good things ultimately”

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How many times can IUI be done before IVF?

Are you facing fertility challenges? Are you trying to conceive a baby over a year? Well, there are various options for you to conceive your dream such as IUI, IVF etc. The very first treatment recommended by our fertility specialist is IUI Intrauterine Insemination after failing through natural conception or fertility medications. It is a process which involves directly injecting specially washed and concentrated semen (sperms) through the cervix inside her uterus (womb) around the time she is ovulating. When should one consider IUI? If couples failed to conceive through fertility medications then they are recommended IUI treatment when there are conditions such as male factor infertility, low sperm count or sperm motility, ejaculation problem, unexplained infertility, problem with cervical mucus, endometriosis, ovulation factor infertility etc. It is a pretty quick, less invasive and straightforward process. IUI is safe as it is perfectly performed under ultrasound with keen eyes. Few couples successfully conceive in the first IUI cycle, few may fail to conceive. But what’s the next step after the unsuccessful IUI cycle? When should you switch to IVF In-vitro Fertilization? It is often a question from many couples that what to do if the first IUI cycle fails? So, this is a situation that various couples undergo while trying to conceive using artificial reproductive techniques. In fact, you probably need to have three to four attempts before you successfully get pregnant. In some cases, some women get pregnant in the first attempt while some may need more than one. Our doctors suggest that if you are under 35 years, then you should undergo 3-5 cycles of IUI before moving to IVF. If you are above 35, then chances of successful IUI cycle is pretty less while IVF is best for them. On top of everything, some factors affect the chances of pregnancy and so, it is best to consult with the fertility specialist for your safety.    

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Exercise After embryo transfer

Can I Exercise During or After Embryo Transfer?

You have often heard that exercise must be a part of your daily routine. No matter how busy you are, you must take out a few minutes or an hour from your busy schedule. It not only makes you fit, active and healthy but also boosts fertility in various ways. It can assist all the factors that increase the chances of getting pregnant like a healthy weight, hormonal balance, improves blood circulation etc. But wait! While undergoing any fertility treatment such as IVF, excessive exercise may not be a good option. However, mild exercise is absolutely fine in some junctures of IVF cycle while must be avoided in some other stages. Enlighten yourself about everything from this write-up! Embryo transfer is a pretty sensitive process so during this time, it is important to give extra care to the reproductive organs. So, if you do heavy work out then, it may lead to physical stress to your body. It may hinder the chances of successful embryo implantation and also will create a negative impact. DO’s and DON’Ts! You must avoid strenuous workout such as intense aerobics, running, cycling, lifting heavy weights, high intensity exercises, spinning, interval training etc. You can do mild workouts such as tai-chi, meditation, walking, yoga, swimming, low-intensity activity for relieving stress and making your mind calm. Mild workout for 30 minutes every day can increase the chances of successful IVF cycles. When To Start Exercising After Embryo Implantation? Working out before IVF cycle, elevates the chances of successful conception. However, once it starts, you will have to alter your workout habits. It is great, if you share your prior or current exercise routine with the doctor for better understanding of dos and don’ts. It is very important to know that once the embryo is implanted it can not come out whether it is by fertility treatment or by natural conception. The concern is that if a woman doesn’t take bed rest after embryo transfer, then she may have to suffer from embryo detachment which leads to pregnancy failure. Once the embryo is properly placed into the uterus, a woman can easily walk out of the bed but keeping that into account mild exercise are good to cope with anxiety and to stay active but strenuous activity can bring you down to the treatment failure. On the other hand, if you continuously restrict yourself to the bed rest then also it can get down to depression and stress and also will reduce the chances of conception. you can do activities such as getting up from the bed, walking, standing which is completely normal and helps in improving blood circulation. Good flow of blood supplies oxygen throughout the body while promoting healthy cells and tissues. So, if you stay active, it will increase the chances of getting pregnant. Active doesn’t mean intense workout! If you have any query, shift your list of questions to our fertility specialists to get solutions! Consult now!    

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Skeptic infertile couples while choosing IVF treatment

Skeptic infertile couples while choosing IVF treatment

Scientific revolution in the field of assisted reproductive technique has bestowed couples who are getting failed to get pregnant in spite of trying for years. With the passing of time and advancement in science, pathway to parenthood has become easy. There are umpteen fertility treatments for infertile couples to conceive, nonetheless some are still confused and bit benighted about every single detail of fertility treatments. Among numerous treatments, IVF is the best and successful way to conceive. Day after day, its success rate is rising significantly. However, some couples have failed to understand its depth, while some are unaware of it. Find the crucial reasons here, why most infertile couples not go for IVF Treatment. Lack of communication: Living in a society, where infertility is considered as a major issue. Couples find it difficult to converse about infertility either with family or with their own partner. They feel bit insecure or shameful while putting heads together to discuss and resolve this issue. They may not have better relationship between them as a concern of not having a child. Ignorance: There are still some couples who are wholly unaware or bit unenlightened about the treatment options. In some areas, because of illiteracy, few get misunderstood or few grab partial knowledge which can mislead anyone. This condition leaves them with stress, anger, anxiety and depression. What more, some couples tend to take divorce even because of getting failed to conceive. Adoption: As said earlier, there are plethora of options available for infertile couples. They make a list of suitable treatments for them, and pick out the most suitable from them. Some couples opt for adoption as they find it easy and straightforward process. They don’t want to go for medical procedures and if biological linkage of child is not a major concern for them, then they opt for adoption. IVF treatment cost: In a view of the fact, IVF is an artificial insemination, which embraces multiple medical procedures. IVF treatment require specialized doctors, various medical screening, use of advanced technologies, therefore it costs at every juncture. Couples find it expensive and reject this option. However, nowadays there are few insurance companies which cover fertility treatment costs under health insurance. Religious myths and beliefs: This is already undoubtable that how stressful infertility is, when adding myths on it, it becomes even more stressful. As a part of this society, infertility is a very big deal and some people believe that only natural conception is the way to conceive a child which is biologically linked to them. They think that test-tube babies and IVF babies are not biologically linked to parents. The people who are deeply involved in ethics calls it a violation of their religion to have the fertilization of an egg outside their body. Decide to stay child-free: Infertility is quite debilitating condition that at some point couples get tired for making efforts to conceive and make a decision to stay child free for the whole life by choice. They decide to have no child either by natural conception or by any treatments. Other reasons: Couples tend to reject IVF treatment owing to some other factors also such as elder’s decision, prefer to try to conceive naturally or by other natural ways, on the ground of their health and age, prefer other fertility treatment such as IUI, unbearable and lengthy approach, find it painful etc. To be above board, let’s unmask the truth that IVF is the best option to choose for couples who are facing trouble in getting pregnant. It is safe and has highest success rate when juxtaposed with the other fertility treatments. At Sneh Hospital, thousands of babies have born through IVF. It may seem expensive and lengthy to you but it is just a matter of efforts you want to make to complete your family. There are various options for covering IVF cost. Moreover, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is lengthy for all couples as it depends on various other factors too. So, book your appointment for consultation with our specialist.

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Benefits of IVF, You Should Know!

Benefits of IVF, You Should Know!

Hey parents-to-be! Remove the stumbling block called infertility on your way to parenthood journey. IVF is the end stop for every infertile couple to accomplish their dream of life. For couples, who are getting failed to get pregnant even after doing enough efforts on it, IVF In-Vitro Fertilization is like a blessing for them and the ultimate solution to become pregnant. At Sneh Hospital, we have assisted thousands of couples in framing their family successfully through IVF treatment. Know the benefits of IVF: Highest success rate and healthy pregnancy: As compared to other fertility treatments, IVF gives the highest success rate. IVF works when all other fertility treatments fail. Sometimes, patients move through various other fertility treatments before undergoing IVF in a hope that may it work. Few times, other fertility treatments such as IUI Intrauterine Insemination, OI ovulation induction, works but in case even after trying plethora of cycles, it fails. In this case, IVF works for them and mostly provide the guaranteed result. Lesser Risk and high odds of conception: IVF, in expert hands involves quite lesser risk. Mostly IVF hands out healthy and safe pregnancy without any barriers on the way to it. IVF has the greatest odds of conception. Useful for diversified people: This is not limited to the infertile couples but also a surrogate mother or gestational mother can undergo IVF. It can also benefit a couple dealing with genetic conditions like chromosome peculiarities, cystic fibrosis, or spinal muscular atrophy. Can beat various conditions: IVF has ability to beat various conditions such as blocked fallopian tube, PCOS, Endometriosis, unexplained infertility, genetic conditions, hormonal abnormalities, uterine fibroids, abnormal sperm, male factor infertility. In spite of undergoing these conditions, IVF successfully help partners to conceive. Can use Donor sperm or Egg: In some cases, our fertility specialists will recommend you to have your embryo by using donor egg or sperm in case you have poor quality of eggs and sperms. The egg will be fertilized in laboratory under observation. When it will result in embryo, subsequently implanted in the uterus of the women. So, using healthy embryo, woman can give birth to a healthy baby. Can select feasible time for pregnancy or fertility preservation: Sometimes, people are busy in making their career or stuck in unique situations and at that stage, they want their baby in near future but not at that moment. Besides this, they are concerned with their fertility in future, so they have an option to freeze their egg for later use. So, IVF helps to get pregnant with those frozen eggs in future date. So, couples can grab this opportunity. There are other various benefits of IVF as it gives multiples opportunities to couples to conceive their dream. At Sneh Hospital, we are taking pride in recognizing as the best IVF Centre in Ahmedabad. We use safe and forefront technologies to treat our patients. What more, we have world class IVF lab. From diagnosing fertility issues to help couples to conceive, we take utter responsibilities to frame your family.      

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