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Why is Surrogacy the best option in 2022

Why is Surrogacy the best option in 2022?

Let me present an honest and straightforward review with factual figures and Report in this article. So, you can decide the best of all for you! If you have chosen adoption over surrogacy for any reason then it is good but a major issue regarding adoption has taken the front seat which will get you to give a thought to your decision once again. Recently, The Times of India has put forward a report showing that “36,000 couples in queue, but CARA has 1,936 Kids.” Well, this statement itself showing the disparity between the adoptive couples and the kids legally available with CARA for adoption. CARA(Central Adoption Resource Authority) is a statutory body of Ministry of Women &Child Development and functions as the nodal body for adoption of Indian child. According to the Report, as of December last week, only 1936 kids are legally available with CARA whereas around 36000 couples are in queue and keep rising to adopt. From the available kids, 61 kids were categorized as ‘Healthy &Below 2 years’ and as many as 1248 were put in ‘special needs’ category. The disproportion in the stated specifics is quite far-fetched. On one side, couples are extremely longing to adopt or have their kid. On another side, non-availability of kids ruining their dreams. Knowing that you are unable to get pregnant and have waited for so many years and chose adoption but can’t afford to wait. This might be discouraging and frustrating for you, it is totally understandable. In fact, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that this pandemic can make you wait so long for adoption. What more, The Time of India has mentioned that,” According to CARA officials, the pandemic period has been a challenging one with the adoption and referral process slowing down” But wait… This is not the end of your dream. You might have other better choices! You so want to adopt or have your own kid as the matter of fact that natural conception is not possible on the ground of infertility. However, you don’t need to dwell on it because surrogacy may be the best option for you! What Should I do now? Surrogacy could be your alternate option…. Surrogacy at present, is not a tough or complicated choice, the rules and laws have made it upright and trust worthy. It is legal agreement between surrogate and commissioning couple, that she will carry the baby in her own womb for intended parents. In a view of the fact that it is more legit than adoption, it involves less risk and more security. The best thing about surrogacy is you can have your biologically linked child by using your own egg and sperm in creating an embryo. That embryo will be later transferred into the uterus of the surrogate mother. After the delivery, she will hand over the child to commissioning couple as per the contract. Birth mother can’t backtrack her mind to keep the child after its birth and you have all the legal rights on the child before its birth as per law. All you need to do is to carry out your responsibility very carefully, from her health to medical expenses, you need to stay with her. When it comes to find a well-matched surrogate then you don’t need to worry about that because we offer a whole package of surrogacy at reasonable medical cost. From well- screened surrogate to help you conceive your dream, we stay with you throughout your parenthood journey.            

Why is Surrogacy the best option in 2022? Read More »

The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill: Recently Passed in India 2021

The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019: Recently Passed in India 2021

Rajya Sabha has green-lighted two primary and important Bills lately in 2021 to regulate the practice of Surrogacy and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in India; The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 and The Assisted Reproductive technology (Regulation) Bill, 2020 The Surrogacy Bill has been passed by the Rajya Sabha on 8th December, 2021 and by Lok Sabha on 17 December, 2021. According to The Indian Express, “While speaking in the Rajya Sabha, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said both the Bills seek to curb unethical practices related to issues of sex selection and exploitation of the surrogate.” As per NDTV,” Parliament passed the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019, with Lok Sabha passing it with voice vote amid a protest by opposition members demanding the removal of Ajay Mishra as Union minister in connection with the Lakhimpur Kheri violence. With the reference to The Times of India,” A rough estimates says there are about 2,000-3,000 surrogacy clinics running illegally in the country and few thousands foreign couples’ resort to surrogacy practice within India and the whole issue is thoroughly unregulated,” Vardhan said emphasizing on the need to keep a check on surrogacy to prevent exploitation of women. This bill defines Surrogacy as a practice whereby one woman bears and gives birth to a child for an intending couple with the intention of handing over such child to the intending couple after the birth. What the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 is about? The Surrogacy regulation bill has unfolded some amendments regarding the prevention of the surrogate from exploitation, process of surrogacy, rights of the child born through surrogacy and other significant matters connected therewith or incidental thereto Regulation of surrogacy and surrogacy procedures Eligibility criteria for intended couple Eligibility criteria for surrogate mother Prohibition on commercial surrogacy Written informed consent of surrogate mother Prohibition to abandon child born through surrogacy Prohibition of abortion Offences & Penalties “The Surrogacy Act in India mentioned that Surrogacy is open for Indian married couples only” When is Surrogacy permitted as per this Bill? Intended couples have proven infertility Only altruistic surrogacy, the surrogacy in which no charges, expenses, fees, remuneration or monetary incentive of whatever nature, except the medical expenses incurred on surrogate mother and the insurance coverage for the surrogate mother, are given to the surrogate mother or her dependents or her representative Written consent of the surrogate mother Surrogate mother is from close relatives of intending couple For any condition or disease specified through regulations When is surrogacy prohibited? Commercial surrogacy is totally ban Prohibited for producing children for sale, prostitution or any other form of exploitation It is prohibited for single men, foreign nationals and foreign couples  Eligibility criteria for intended couples: As per New Indian Surrogacy Law, intended couples must follow below rules for having a child via surrogacy. They must have a ‘certificate of essentiality’ and a ‘certificate of eligibility’ issued by the appropriate authority. Certificate of Essentiality Certificate of Eligibility A Certificate of proven infertility in favor of either or both members of the intending couple from a District Medical Board Intending couple must be Indian citizens and are married for at least 5 years An order of the parentage and custody of the child to be born via surrogacy, has been passed by a court of the Magistrate’s court The age of wife: 23-50 years and husband: 26-55 years Insurance coverage for 16 months which covers postpartum delivery complications for surrogate Intending couple do not have any surviving child biological or via adoption or surrogacy excluding a child and who is mentally or physically challenged or suffers from life threatening disorder or fatal illness with no permanent cure Eligibility Criteria for Surrogate Mother: Close relative of intended couple Must be married Have a child of her own Age must be between 25 to 35 years on the day of implantation She can only be a surrogate for once in her life Surrogate mother cannot provide her own gametes for surrogacy She must have a certificate of medical and psychological fitness for surrogacy Prohibitions of abortion: No person, organization, surrogacy clinic, laboratory or clinical establishment of any kind shall force the surrogate mother to abort at any stage of surrogacy An abortion of the surrogate child requires the written consent of the surrogate mother and the authorization of the appropriate authority The surrogate mother will have an option to withdraw her consent for surrogacy before the embryo is implanted in her womb. Offenses and Penalties: Penalty in following offenses: Imprisonment for 10 years and fine up to 10 lakhs Advertising or undertaking Commercial Surrogacy Exploiting surrogate mother Abandoning, disowning or exploiting the child born out of surrogacy Selling, importing or trading in human embryos or gametes for the purpose of surrogacy Sex selection Any subsequent offenses by same couple Penalty in following offense: Imprisonment for 5 years and fine up to 10 lakhs Any medical practitioner who commits any offense Penalty in following offense: Imprisonment for 5 years and fine up to 5 lakhs Any couple who takes initiative for commercial surrogacy

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