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How Endometrial Scratching Will Help in IVF Process?

How Endometrial Scratching Will Help in IVF Process?

Endometrial Scratching, a blessing for couples who are failing to get pregnant and have undergone several fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, but still, getting failed. Know, how this will bless you! Endometrial scratching is known as endometrial injury, a technique used during IVF to facilitate embryo implantation which doubles the odds of getting pregnant. A superficial scratch in the inner lining of the womb is done using various safe instruments. Learn about endometrial scratching from the scratch, The most influencing factor for successful pregnancy is proper embryo implantation. If there is a healthy embryo but it is not properly implanted into the inner lining of the womb, then it will result into pregnancy failure. Endometrial scratching plays its main role by increasing the chances of pregnancy when couples trying to get pregnant through copulation or through any fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI etc. Especially, in the case when pregnancy fails even after many IVF cycles in spite of using healthy and good quality of embryos. How does it work exactly during IVF?   Women get pregnant when embryo is implanted into the womb. Sometimes, an embryo fails to do so, as it is not enough developed to get implanted rightly. So, the cycle needs to start again from the beginning. The main aim behind endometrial scratching is to improve the receptivity of the uterus to the embryo. A flexible plastic tube called pipelle catheter is inserted to cause disruption by moving it back and forth with gentle rotation in the uterus. There is no exact evidence of how biologically this process goes on, but this is how it is assumed, Endometrial scratching may persuade inflammatory response just like how the skin or other parts of the body responses to any scratch. During the recovery process, it may doubles the chances of implantation as it will release the growth factors, hormones and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which make the newly-formed lining the way more receptive to embryo It activates the genes which ensure the preparation of the endometrium, to keep them turn off, at the time, when attempted implantation It is pretty painless course of action to increase the chances of pregnancy. Though it is a non-invasive process, some patients do feel pain with minor bleeding. Please note that, if you already have infection before endometrial scratching, then there is a little risk with this procedure as it might spread the infection in the uterus. However, our doctors will examine you first, if it is necessary, they will treat this at the first place. Apart from this, this technique has no additional risks for the baby which will born using any fertility treatment.   At Sneh Hospital, we have helped thousands of couples in conceiving through artificial reproductive techniques such as IVF, IUI, ICSI, no matter how complicated their case is! We ensure health safety and success rate while giving our best. We have amazing team of doctors, nurses, gynecologist, fertility specialists, embryologists, urologists and Well-trained staff. For all your safety, we use safe, experimented and world class equipment and medical devices at par with the international standards. We believe every patient has their unique needs which demands unique solution!    

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How Does Preeclampsia Affect Pregnancy?

How Does Preeclampsia Affect Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is itself a sensitive process and it becomes tougher with any complications. Preeclampsia is one of the uncommon complications of pregnancy which was previously recognized as toxemia. Preeclampsia usually occurs in late pregnancy or after the 20th week or after the delivery of the baby. In this, pregnant women experience high blood pressure (Hypertension), high levels of protein in urine, fluid retention, inflammation in legs, hands etc. Symptoms can be from mild to severe. Preeclampsia hands out sudden spikes in blood pressure. It can be fatal and leads to eclampsia which is pretty more severe than this. Eclampsia involves seizures or comas which can sometimes cause death even. If the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia are ignored and left unattended then it can be risky for the health of mother and baby. Well, it can even occur after the delivery of the baby so, it is very important to treat this at the right time. Just flip through this article to know victims, symptoms, and treatments of preeclampsia! When women become victims of preeclampsia? There are some risk factors which are more likely to increase the risk of preeclampsia in women during pregnancy. Whether you have a healthy pregnancy or not you must get a regular visit to the Best Gynecologists in Ahmedabad. Know which women are at risk of preeclampsia. Pretty common in very first pregnancy Multiple pregnancies Family history of hypertension, diabetes, diseases related to kidney Someone in your family had preeclampsia You had preeclampsia in your previous pregnancy If you are above 35 If you are obese Poor diet If you had complicated pregnancy previously Autoimmune diseases such as lupus or antiphospholipid If you have delayed pregnancy Undergone fertility treatment There can be any other causes of preeclampsia. Some causes are still not known but at Sneh IVF Hospital, we have treated complicated pregnancies no matter how normal or worst it is! Symptoms or Indications of Preeclampsia: The most common signs of preeclampsia are hypertension, high blood pressure, high proportion of protein in urine, damage to kidney or other organs etc. some symptoms a woman experiences but often avoid by considering them ordinary but can lead to the worst. Don’t ignore the symptoms such as, Chronic or severe headache Breathing difficulties Decrease in platelets counts Change in vision Body ache or upper abdominal pain Bloating, nausea and vomiting Sudden change in weight Increase liver enzymes Dizziness Less or more urination Inflammation in hands, feet, or legs There can be other symptoms which can’t be seen or felt but a regular visit to the doctor can reduce the chances of high risk pregnancy. Why should preeclampsia be treated? Preeclampsia must not be left unattended as it can become fatal and leads to the various pregnancy risks such as eclampsia, seizures or coma, or postpartum hemorrhage, reversible blindness, organs damage, kidney damage, liver damage, cardiovascular disease, destruction of red blood cells, premature birth, and placental abruption. On top of everything, it can also restrict the growth of the fetal. It should be treated at the right time. How is preeclampsia treated? At Sneh Hospital, we offer the best treatment to our valuable patients. We work as a support system for couples along their journey to parenthood. When it comes to pregnancy complications we offer the treatment depending upon the severity of the condition. For treating preeclampsia, we have comprehensive options in accordance with the situation, know it all! Regular monitoring of blood pressure Antihypertensive drugs such as labetalol As per situation, we recommend premature delivery If baby is well-developed, our doctor may recommend induce delivery or C-section delivery Blood test or urine test Injection of magnesium sulphate to prevent preeclampsia related seizures Steroid injection for baby’s lung maturity Medications to reduce symptoms   Other than this, the treatment is utterly hinged on the stage or level of preeclampsia. Make a regular visit to the Best Maternity hospital in Ahmedabad. We offer prenatal, antenatal and postnatal care and counseling. Contact us now to have a healthy pregnancy!          

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Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With Removed Ovaries?

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant With Removed Ovaries?

Natural conception requires a lot of factors to be worked on at the right time. The best part is the advancement in the medical field especially in the reproductive field. Some women face challenges in getting pregnant by copulation so they can avail the benefits from our Best Fertility Specialists in Ahmedabad at Sneh Hospital throughout their parenthood journey. On top of everything, the most important part of the body for getting pregnant is ovaries. However, regrettably, some women have to get their ovaries removed owing to some medical conditions. What’s best! The comforting prospect is women can still get pregnant with removed ovaries. This does not necessarily mean that women cannot get pregnant or can certainly get pregnant. Know it all! What is the role of ovaries during pregnancy? Ovaries are the most crucial female organ when it comes to pregnancy. Women have two ovaries on either side of the uterus. From the moment puberty hits females, they start getting menses. When a woman is ovulating, her ovaries release an egg every month. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm, it will result in pregnancy. This cycle keeps on and on until she reaches at menopause. Why do ovaries need to be removed? As women have to carry a plethora of tasks at a time, she often forgets to take care of her health, especially her reproductive system which is quite sensitive. Dealing with reproductive health is pretty tough. Women during her reproductive age may face certain challenges such as ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, ovarian cancer etc. In these cases, ovaries need to be removed otherwise, it can be fatal. If a woman is aware of her ovarian condition, then she has the best option that is egg freezing. If you have reserved eggs then, you still have chances to get pregnant in spite of having removed ovaries. How will I get pregnant with removed ovaries? Egg freezing is the best option for women who want delayed pregnancy or who are underlying any medical condition which may affect their pregnancy or who will be undergoing any treatments or chemotherapies for cancer. Egg freezing technology permits you to synchronize your priorities without worrying about your biological clock. Fertility medications are given to women to stimulate her ovaries to boost egg production. Once there are a good number of eggs, then they will be retrieved and stored until you are ready to have a child. At Sneh Hospital, the Most Trusted IVF Centre in Ahmedabad, we use cutting-edge technologies at par with the international standards. We keep your eggs safe, we keep our future safe. Empty your worries to us and fill your bag with happiness and hopes. Consult now!    

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How Is Infertility Related to Depression?

How Is Infertility Related to Depression?

Infertility can be debilitating and frustrating which gives an easy pathway to depression. When you shift your whole focus on infertility then it will lead to depression, anxiety and stress. The condition is like vice versa, infertility can hand out depression and so depression can also dish out infertility. Do you think about getting pregnant every moment? Are you feeling stuck in this situation? It is obvious to feel like this, when you face challenges in getting pregnant for a prolonged period.  Infertility is emotionally, mentally and physically fatiguing. You really need to overcome infertility related depression before it becomes worse for your health. Why do people with infertility struggle with depression? There are some factors related to infertility which get people in depression. Know it all below, Medical conditions: first of all, there are some factors which can cause infertility, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis etc., which may elevate the risk of depression. Theses condition may bring high mood swings and stress which at the end lead to depression Stress: dealing with infertility is never an easy task. It takes a lot of sacrifice, effort and emotional traumas. It can be a stressful experience because of having a lot of pressure on getting pregnant. Side effects of medications and treatments: people when undergoing treatments or any medications may experience some side effects such as stress and depression. As treatments and medications embrace use of hormones which results in negative effects on the mind and body. When do you need to visit our doctor? When you experience certain symptoms, then it is best to visit a doctor for your betterment. When you constantly think about infertility all the time In depressed mood all the time for most days Losing interest in interesting and enjoyable activities Less energy or feel inactive whole day Sleeplessness or feel like sleeping all the time Sudden change in weight Negative thoughts or thoughts of suicide Unable to focus or concentrate on anything When you feel extremely guilty If you feel worthless or ashamed You feel alone or isolated Change in diet either more or less willing to eat Hey! No matter what, you should not feel like this. You are not alone in this. Whatever you feel, we are here to hear you because we have solutions to every problem. There are various medications and treatments available for infertility related depression. Antidepressants come in many forms, involving selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin modulators and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. All you need to do is to stay honest with our doctor and share whatever you feel. At Sneh Hospital, our fertility specialists offer infertility counseling to couples to guide and advise them for the further step.    

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How many times can IUI be done before IVF?

Are you facing fertility challenges? Are you trying to conceive a baby over a year? Well, there are various options for you to conceive your dream such as IUI, IVF etc. The very first treatment recommended by our fertility specialist is IUI Intrauterine Insemination after failing through natural conception or fertility medications. It is a process which involves directly injecting specially washed and concentrated semen (sperms) through the cervix inside her uterus (womb) around the time she is ovulating. When should one consider IUI? If couples failed to conceive through fertility medications then they are recommended IUI treatment when there are conditions such as male factor infertility, low sperm count or sperm motility, ejaculation problem, unexplained infertility, problem with cervical mucus, endometriosis, ovulation factor infertility etc. It is a pretty quick, less invasive and straightforward process. IUI is safe as it is perfectly performed under ultrasound with keen eyes. Few couples successfully conceive in the first IUI cycle, few may fail to conceive. But what’s the next step after the unsuccessful IUI cycle? When should you switch to IVF In-vitro Fertilization? It is often a question from many couples that what to do if the first IUI cycle fails? So, this is a situation that various couples undergo while trying to conceive using artificial reproductive techniques. In fact, you probably need to have three to four attempts before you successfully get pregnant. In some cases, some women get pregnant in the first attempt while some may need more than one. Our doctors suggest that if you are under 35 years, then you should undergo 3-5 cycles of IUI before moving to IVF. If you are above 35, then chances of successful IUI cycle is pretty less while IVF is best for them. On top of everything, some factors affect the chances of pregnancy and so, it is best to consult with the fertility specialist for your safety.    

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How Do We Treat Zero Sperm Count?

How Do We Treat Zero Sperm Count?

A good many people wonder if it is possible to get pregnant with zero sperm count? So, the answer is a big Yes! Because of the advancement in the field of medical science, nearly everything is possible. Equivocally, men and women both are equally responsible to get pregnant. Both the partners must get a fertility screening in order to get the solution. If there is male factor infertility and the reason is zero count sperm, then at Sneh Hospital, we offer comprehensive treatments under one roof. First of all, no matter what infertility factor is affecting you, you should visit our fertility specialist. We have multiple options to overcome your conditions, but to choose the best of all, reach us now! Basically, the men who have no sperm in their semen, this condition is known as Azoospermia. To diagnose if you have azoospermia, you have to provide the sample of semen at the laboratory. Our healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and then medical examination for detailed analysis. After proper examination, our fertility specialist will guide you for further treatment. Know about the treatments you may have to undergo! Make a note that the treatment depends upon the cause. Well, treatments are utterly dependent on the causes. For treating azoospermia, it is very important to consult with a doctor at the very first stage. On detecting the cause, he will recommend some treatment options. Different treatments on the basis of different types of azoospermia are discussed below: For obstructive azoospermia:  This can be treated by performing minor surgery to unblock the reproductive tract. This is a minimally invasive technique. In case of non-obstructive azoospermia:  You may not be producing or may be producing poor quality of sperm then you will be given FSH (Follicle- stimulating Hormone), HCG (Human Chronic Gonadotropins) by the way of injections or may be pills of clomiphene, letrozole etc., for stimulation the sex glands to produce the gametes. Sperm retrieval: Sperm can be directly retrieved from the testicles by the way of biopsy, TESE/ Micro TESE. Lifestyle change: Your daily lifestyle habits play an important role in the functioning of your body. Discontinue the medications which affect your fertility. Discontinue addictions if any. Switch to a healthy lifestyle by embracing yoga, medication, healthy diet and by staying stress-free!                

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Exercise After embryo transfer

Can I Exercise During or After Embryo Transfer?

You have often heard that exercise must be a part of your daily routine. No matter how busy you are, you must take out a few minutes or an hour from your busy schedule. It not only makes you fit, active and healthy but also boosts fertility in various ways. It can assist all the factors that increase the chances of getting pregnant like a healthy weight, hormonal balance, improves blood circulation etc. But wait! While undergoing any fertility treatment such as IVF, excessive exercise may not be a good option. However, mild exercise is absolutely fine in some junctures of IVF cycle while must be avoided in some other stages. Enlighten yourself about everything from this write-up! Embryo transfer is a pretty sensitive process so during this time, it is important to give extra care to the reproductive organs. So, if you do heavy work out then, it may lead to physical stress to your body. It may hinder the chances of successful embryo implantation and also will create a negative impact. DO’s and DON’Ts! You must avoid strenuous workout such as intense aerobics, running, cycling, lifting heavy weights, high intensity exercises, spinning, interval training etc. You can do mild workouts such as tai-chi, meditation, walking, yoga, swimming, low-intensity activity for relieving stress and making your mind calm. Mild workout for 30 minutes every day can increase the chances of successful IVF cycles. When To Start Exercising After Embryo Implantation? Working out before IVF cycle, elevates the chances of successful conception. However, once it starts, you will have to alter your workout habits. It is great, if you share your prior or current exercise routine with the doctor for better understanding of dos and don’ts. It is very important to know that once the embryo is implanted it can not come out whether it is by fertility treatment or by natural conception. The concern is that if a woman doesn’t take bed rest after embryo transfer, then she may have to suffer from embryo detachment which leads to pregnancy failure. Once the embryo is properly placed into the uterus, a woman can easily walk out of the bed but keeping that into account mild exercise are good to cope with anxiety and to stay active but strenuous activity can bring you down to the treatment failure. On the other hand, if you continuously restrict yourself to the bed rest then also it can get down to depression and stress and also will reduce the chances of conception. you can do activities such as getting up from the bed, walking, standing which is completely normal and helps in improving blood circulation. Good flow of blood supplies oxygen throughout the body while promoting healthy cells and tissues. So, if you stay active, it will increase the chances of getting pregnant. Active doesn’t mean intense workout! If you have any query, shift your list of questions to our fertility specialists to get solutions! Consult now!    

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Fertility Preservation

Are frozen embryos as viable as the fresh ones?

Well, time-poor couples who are occupied in making their career, underlying medical conditions such as cancer or undergoing treatment and at the same time are concerned about completing a family. However, they are not up for the pregnancy at the moment, longing to have a delayed pregnancy. For them fertility preservation is the most fitting alternative. Fertility preservation is inferred as the process of preserving fertility by cryopreservation of egg, sperm, or embryo so that it can be used in the future to have their biological child at a later date. Although, this is an amazing option to choose in accordance with the situation discussed, this is often a question from many couples that are frozen embryos as viable as fresh embryos? As per our fertility specialists at Sneh Hospital, use of frozen embryos while implantation during assisted reproductive technologies, elevates the chances of higher pregnancy rate than use of fresh eggs. How are frozen embryos viable? You can use them at a future date to have your own biological child through IVF It increases chances of getting pregnant than fresh embryo It allows the uterus to get back to the normal environment after medication, offers natural embryo transfer condition Reduces the risk of pregnancy such as premature birth, low birth weight or preeclampsia Through this, good embryos are preserved through embryo freezing so it becomes easy to select healthy embryo It reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies and also related health risks The best thing is genetic screening can be done which increase the chances of healthy pregnancy It reduces the risk of OHSS ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome during the ART cycle It is budget friendly for the couples Frozen embryo v/s fresh embryos: Frozen and fresh embryos both require ovulation induction and proper monitoring. Fertility medication is given to the women to boost the production of egg in the ovaries. Once the uterus is well prepared, eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with the sperm of your partner or donor if any. Fresh embryo:  Once the egg is fertilized, a fresh embryo will be transferred properly into the uterus after three to five days. It is done when couples want to conceive in same cycle Frozen embryo: If the couple wants a delayed pregnancy, then the fertilized egg is stored as frozen and after a few years when couples are up for pregnancy, they can use it to have their biological child with the help of assisted reproductive technologies. So, there is no doubt in using frozen embryos for getting pregnant. Frozen embryo transfers are less costly, provide you an opportunity to preserve your fertility and sue them when you are up for it, genetic screening is also possible. On the top of everything, the best thing is that it hands out less mental and physical stress to women as compared to others. At Sneh Hospitals, our fertility specialists have assisted thousands of couples in getting pregnant through this option. Couples can avail the best infertility counseling or address any pregnancy concerns. We stay with you at every juncture of your parenthood journey!  

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Skeptic infertile couples while choosing IVF treatment

Skeptic infertile couples while choosing IVF treatment

Scientific revolution in the field of assisted reproductive technique has bestowed couples who are getting failed to get pregnant in spite of trying for years. With the passing of time and advancement in science, pathway to parenthood has become easy. There are umpteen fertility treatments for infertile couples to conceive, nonetheless some are still confused and bit benighted about every single detail of fertility treatments. Among numerous treatments, IVF is the best and successful way to conceive. Day after day, its success rate is rising significantly. However, some couples have failed to understand its depth, while some are unaware of it. Find the crucial reasons here, why most infertile couples not go for IVF Treatment. Lack of communication: Living in a society, where infertility is considered as a major issue. Couples find it difficult to converse about infertility either with family or with their own partner. They feel bit insecure or shameful while putting heads together to discuss and resolve this issue. They may not have better relationship between them as a concern of not having a child. Ignorance: There are still some couples who are wholly unaware or bit unenlightened about the treatment options. In some areas, because of illiteracy, few get misunderstood or few grab partial knowledge which can mislead anyone. This condition leaves them with stress, anger, anxiety and depression. What more, some couples tend to take divorce even because of getting failed to conceive. Adoption: As said earlier, there are plethora of options available for infertile couples. They make a list of suitable treatments for them, and pick out the most suitable from them. Some couples opt for adoption as they find it easy and straightforward process. They don’t want to go for medical procedures and if biological linkage of child is not a major concern for them, then they opt for adoption. IVF treatment cost: In a view of the fact, IVF is an artificial insemination, which embraces multiple medical procedures. IVF treatment require specialized doctors, various medical screening, use of advanced technologies, therefore it costs at every juncture. Couples find it expensive and reject this option. However, nowadays there are few insurance companies which cover fertility treatment costs under health insurance. Religious myths and beliefs: This is already undoubtable that how stressful infertility is, when adding myths on it, it becomes even more stressful. As a part of this society, infertility is a very big deal and some people believe that only natural conception is the way to conceive a child which is biologically linked to them. They think that test-tube babies and IVF babies are not biologically linked to parents. The people who are deeply involved in ethics calls it a violation of their religion to have the fertilization of an egg outside their body. Decide to stay child-free: Infertility is quite debilitating condition that at some point couples get tired for making efforts to conceive and make a decision to stay child free for the whole life by choice. They decide to have no child either by natural conception or by any treatments. Other reasons: Couples tend to reject IVF treatment owing to some other factors also such as elder’s decision, prefer to try to conceive naturally or by other natural ways, on the ground of their health and age, prefer other fertility treatment such as IUI, unbearable and lengthy approach, find it painful etc. To be above board, let’s unmask the truth that IVF is the best option to choose for couples who are facing trouble in getting pregnant. It is safe and has highest success rate when juxtaposed with the other fertility treatments. At Sneh Hospital, thousands of babies have born through IVF. It may seem expensive and lengthy to you but it is just a matter of efforts you want to make to complete your family. There are various options for covering IVF cost. Moreover, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is lengthy for all couples as it depends on various other factors too. So, book your appointment for consultation with our specialist.

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How to Prepare for Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

How to Prepare for Pregnancy After Miscarriage?

Miscarriage is a huge loss and not less than a nightmare for many; it is quite difficult to overcome the grief of it. Emotional pain is way greater than physical pain. Sometimes you may feel stuck that you cannot move ahead even if you want to. It is quite absolute to feel like that and getting question in mind like Can I conceive again? However, it is more usual than you think, numerous women had early pregnancy loss and likely to conceive a healthy child even after. Take a step ahead and promote the odds of accomplishing healthy pregnancy! Learn here, how to choose the path to pregnancy after miscarriage? When Can I conceive after miscarriage? This would be surprising, but you can conceive immediately after miscarriage. Some specialists say that you should wait for 3 months or few weeks but in fact that utterly depends upon your health. Some overcome the physical pain in few weeks but stuck with grief. They need time to prepare themselves for the next pregnancy. Know the chances of pregnancy: Multiple women after miscarriage have fear of losing the next pregnancy but if you have miscarried once does not mean that you cannot get healthy pregnancy in future. Very few women get repeated miscarriage because of certain peculiarities. Basically, the reason behind miscarriage is mostly chromosomal abnormalities that doesn’t necessarily hinged on a woman’s reproductive health. If you know the odds in a better way then it will reduce you stress and anxiety and get you positive attitude towards next pregnancy. Ponder on your situation and take some time: What you think and what you are going through in actuality matters the most that creates great impact on making decision for further step. Miscarriage is quite debilitating both mentally and physically. Pamper yourself enough to overcome this stressed situation. Prepare yourself Physically: There is no doubt in that you can conceive immediately after miscarriage but doctors recommend to try to conceive after at least 3 months. After miscarriage, your body get back to normal and you start ovulating in 2 weeks but to regular menses will take 2 or 3 months. Human chorionic Gonadotropins even take 1 or 2 months to get back to the normal. Prepare yourself emotionally: Miscarriage leaves couple with emotional traumas. Deep feeling of grief and guilt at the same time. Physical pain takes back seat when it comes to emotional pain. It may take days or some months even to heal this. You just don’t need to rush to conceive when you are not mentally prepared for next pregnancy. If you try to conceive when you are already in stress will create poor impact on your pregnancy. Make sure to conceive when you are mentally ready for it. Switch to healthy lifestyle: Lifestyle affects your health directly, whether you are pregnant or not or planning to get pregnant, you must follow a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet plays vital role in every aspect that includes leafy green vegetables, fruits and nutritious foods along with right proportion of water. Try to avoid any kind of addictions like smoking, alcohol and drugs. Using Ovulation Predictors: To improve the chances of pregnancy, it would be better to plan your intercourse near to the time of ovulation. You can predict when you are ovulating by using kits. The most feasible time to use the kit is when you get your menses regularly after miscarriage. After 2-3 months of miscarriage, you can continue having regular intercourse, which will elevate the chances of getting pregnant. If you have any kind of query, connect with us!                  

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