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Sperm count

Best Ways to Increase Men’s Sperm Count Quickly

For a man, it is disrespectful when he is unable to become a father with just because of low sperm counts. If you are looking for the quickest ways to boost sperm count, quantity, and quality at home, then go through this blog. Low sperm count is a condition when the men’s body does not produce mature sperms or enough sperm count for fertilization. Scientifically, when a person has less than 10 ml of sperm count, he is considered as infertile.

Nowadays, male infertility found in the very third of men. Well, Infertility is easy to identify and curable, but sometimes taking medications is not enough. Taking a healthy diet, regular workout, and adding some healthy eating habits may affect the hormones and influence the count of sperms naturally.

For several years, the researchers have found, the rate of sperm count, volume, and motility decline worldwide. Fortunately, we have some medicines to increase sperm count and even some home remedies that work wonder. If you would like to know what they are, continue reading.

Signs of Low Sperm Count

Before starting with the treatment you should know whether you have a low sperm count or not. The common low sperm count sign includes:

  • Less desire for sex
  • Pain, swelling or lump in the testicle area
  • Hair loss
  • Pre-mature ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction

If you find one of the symptoms in you, so get ready to know how to increase sperm count naturally.
In this blog, we are going to discuss some natural ways that may increase the chances of you to become fertile.

The Quickest Way to Boost Sperm Count May Include

1. Stay Calm

It is obvious if you are infertile this creates heavy stress in your mind. You need to stay calm with both the body and the brain. When you take stress, the reproductive system becomes less concern, resultant you feel less libido and low energy.

For reducing the stress you can exercise or do yoga for relaxing nerves. Also, you can eat a healthy diet to lessen the stress. If you are too under stress and experience chronic headache, the doctor may suggest you some anti-depressant medicines.

2. Quit Your Bad Habits

According to recent studies, there is a strong link between drinking alcohol or smoking with low sperm count and low motility

3. Add Vitamins

Vitamin D and calcium are well-known vitamins to increase sperm volume and count in men. The low intake of vitamin D and calcium decline the level of sperm. The multiple supplements and medications are available in the market to increase sperm count, but make sure one thing you are allowed to use them only if your doctor prescribes you.

4. Eat a Healthy Diet with Rich Antioxidants

Having antioxidants in your regular diet is helpful. This detects free radicals and flushes it out from the body, resultant in you feel energetic. This also increases the quality and quality of sperms in the body.

5. Must Include Fats in Your Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids are important to add in your healthy diet to increase the sperm count and volume. You can easily buy the number of supplements in the market after consulting with your doctor.

6. Add Healthy Diet

The daily intake of healthy food is also essential for boosting sperm level. Most men search for how to increase sperm count by food because it is safe and healthy treatment. This may include walnuts, whole wheat grain, vitamin D, dark chocolate, broccoli, garlic, turmeric, nuts, seeds and many more.

You can even add some fruits to increase sperm count and motility in your regular diets such as Goji berry, raspberries, citrus fruits, strawberries, and artichokes.

7. Getting Moving

Regular exercise can help to improve sperm health. Exercise helps to reduce stress, improve circulation, and boost the immune system. All of these things can help to improve sperm production.

Call the Experts

Supplements, medications, and changes in habits can increase sperm count. Also, several low sperm count treatments are available for the men which include treating infections, sexual dysfunctions problems, surgery, hormone treatments, and more. The IVF doctor plays an important role to treat male infertility related to low sperm count and other causes.
Few More Tips you may follow to boost the fertility and sperm count

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle
  • Drop your unwanted pounds
  • Limit the intake of alcohol and smoking
  • Get enough vitamin, mineral, and a healthy diet
  • Go for a regular workout


Infertility in men affects his entire attitude and presence in life. If you are one of them so must go with the above tips and consult the best IVF doctor about your infertility.