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Fertility Preservation

Are frozen embryos as viable as the fresh ones?

Well, time-poor couples who are occupied in making their career, underlying medical conditions such as cancer or undergoing treatment and at the same time are concerned about completing a family. However, they are not up for the pregnancy at the moment, longing to have a delayed pregnancy. For them fertility preservation is the most fitting alternative.

Fertility preservation is inferred as the process of preserving fertility by cryopreservation of egg, sperm, or embryo so that it can be used in the future to have their biological child at a later date.

Although, this is an amazing option to choose in accordance with the situation discussed, this is often a question from many couples that are frozen embryos as viable as fresh embryos?

As per our fertility specialists at Sneh Hospital, use of frozen embryos while implantation during assisted reproductive technologies, elevates the chances of higher pregnancy rate than use of fresh eggs.

How are frozen embryos viable?

  • You can use them at a future date to have your own biological child through IVF
  • It increases chances of getting pregnant than fresh embryo
  • It allows the uterus to get back to the normal environment after medication, offers natural embryo transfer condition
  • Reduces the risk of pregnancy such as premature birth, low birth weight or preeclampsia
  • Through this, good embryos are preserved through embryo freezing so it becomes easy to select healthy embryo
  • It reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies and also related health risks
  • The best thing is genetic screening can be done which increase the chances of healthy pregnancy
  • It reduces the risk of OHSS ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome during the ART cycle
  • It is budget friendly for the couples

Frozen embryo v/s fresh embryos:

Frozen and fresh embryos both require ovulation induction and proper monitoring. Fertility medication is given to the women to boost the production of egg in the ovaries. Once the uterus is well prepared, eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized with the sperm of your partner or donor if any.

Fresh embryo: 

Once the egg is fertilized, a fresh embryo will be transferred properly into the uterus after three to five days. It is done when couples want to conceive in same cycle

Frozen embryo:

If the couple wants a delayed pregnancy, then the fertilized egg is stored as frozen and after a few years when couples are up for pregnancy, they can use it to have their biological child with the help of assisted reproductive technologies.

So, there is no doubt in using frozen embryos for getting pregnant. Frozen embryo transfers are less costly, provide you an opportunity to preserve your fertility and sue them when you are up for it, genetic screening is also possible. On the top of everything, the best thing is that it hands out less mental and physical stress to women as compared to others.

At Sneh Hospitals, our fertility specialists have assisted thousands of couples in getting pregnant through this option. Couples can avail the best infertility counseling or address any pregnancy concerns. We stay with you at every juncture of your parenthood journey!